Tomica diecast news - Nov 2020
Coming Soon
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Tomica Red Series
Daihatsu Rocky (Box No.36)
No.36 ダイハツ ロッキー
Winner of the 2020 Good Design Award in Japan
Rocky is a Japan only (JDM) SUV.
Daihatsu gave the Rocky slogan, the 新自由SUV
The new freedom SUV
Mazda 3 (Box. No.46)
No.46 マツダ3
The die-cast is the Mazda 3 4th gen (2019) hatch in Soul Red Metallic
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Tomica Premium
Nissan Sileighty
39 シルエイティ
The name is a Portmanteau of Silvia & 180SX
SIL + Eighty
Platform code of 180SX is S13
Platform code of SILVIA is S14
What do you do when you tracked, drifted, crashed your 180SX?
& there are plenty of Silvia parts lying around?
Put a Silvia front end on a 180SX
& a JDM drifting unicorn is born.